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Safe and transparent through your third-party inspection (remote inspection).

5 important facts for a safe and transparent (remote) third-party inspection

We are all facing many restrictions due to the pandemic. Therefore, we need to find ways to still provide the best possible support to our customers. One digital service that our customers can use is our third party inspections – better said remote inspections.
Our customers can use the remote visual inspection to check the valve quality before shipping.

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Man is testing a valve according to revised TA-Luft emission standard.

Auswirkungen der neuen TA-Luft auf die Armaturen-Industrie

Die überarbeitete TA-Luft Emissionsnorm wird sich auf die ISO 15848-1 beziehen, um die Allgemeinheit und die Nachbarschaft zu schützen. Und um schädliche Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt durch Luftverschmutzung zu verhindern. All das, um ein hohes Schutzniveau für die Umwelt als Ganzes zu erreichen.

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Man is testing a valve according to revised TA-Luft emission standard.

Impact of the revision of the TA-Luft on the valve industry

The revised TA-Luft Emission Standard will refer to ISO 15848-1 to protect the general public and the neighborhood. And to prevent harmful effects on the environment caused by air pollution. All that in order to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole.

In my blog post, I would like to explain what impact this change will have on the valve industry.

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Application fields of Injection/Sampling DBB Valves.

Understanding Injection/Sampling DBB Valves with Probe & Support Collar Application

Based on the blog post “Chemical Injection Quill for Oil & Gas” written by my colleague Kevin Alamag, I would like to dive more into the depth of the application fields of Injection / Sampling DBB Valves. In my course of work talking to OEMs, EPCs, end-users and other clients on this injection/sampling area, I was surprised to know that there are many misunderstandings on this small but important product range within the whole process.

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Factory standards in the oil and gas industry and comparison with tapas.

Plant standards in the oil and gas industry

I have now been in the field for more than 25 years and support my customers exclusively in Germany. I have noticed that the measurement technology in the plants is carried out very differently. Just as there are endless variants of Tapas, there are also many different types of measurement technology. As a passionate Tapas connoisseur and with over 30 years of professional experience, I know both areas very well.

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