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Onshore/offshore vendor ecosystem of the future - By local for local.

By local, for local: the vendor ecosystem of the future

A remarkable thing happens when a good and industry-compliant design becomes tangible. Operators feel safe and comfortable with it right away. The reliance level is so high that the risks—surrounding the area—come to be afterthoughts. That is until an urgent and dangerous situation arises. In a trice, teams and crews are back to reality. A state of constant awareness takes over.

What to do under those trying circumstances?

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Feature illustration of digital product pass acc. to DIN SPEC 91406 / IEC 61406 and VDI 2770.

Identification of devices with unique IDs – IEC 61406 / DIN SPEC 91406 and VDI 2770

This article aims to provide an overview of one of the latest trends in the process industry. The digital administration of product information!

In case you didn’t know about it, products in the process industry usually come with lots of technical documents. No matter how simple the product or project scope is, hundreds of paper pages are in demand to take it on.

In this context, the DIN SPEC 91406/IEC 61406 and VDI 2770 standards for identifying devices with unique IDs are crucial for the digital management of documentation and product information.

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Types of valves used in piping and how to classify them.

Types of valves used in piping and how to classify them

This article presents an overview of valves, their functions and the commonly used types of valves in the industry. The design principle, application areas, benefits and disadvantages of various types of valves are presented. Different methods of valve classification are also discussed to highlight the key considerations in valve selection.

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Different methods to isolate process line from process instrument.

How to isolate a process line from process instrument with a DBB valve

Block and Bleed and Double Block & Bleed isolation systems are used in process instrumentation to isolate your instrument from the main process line. The isolation valve(s) stop the flow from the upstream, while the bleed valve removes any pressure or residual product that remains in the downstream section or in the section between the two valves.

Use of block and bleed valves is mandatory in many industrial processes for isolating the measuring instrument from the process line. This allows maintenance work to be performed on the instrumentation without the need to shut down the entire operation. There are two approaches to the installation of a block and bleed or a double block and bleed setup.

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Mechanical engineers discuss a Power-to-X application.

What is the significance of the VDMA network “Power-to-X for Applications” for mechanical & plant engineering?

This year marks the 130th anniversary of the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA). A one-of-a-kind group uniting the mechanical engineering industry. In celebration, we talked to a dear colleague and member of the VDMA network “Power-to-X for Applications”, Björn Bofinger.

Get ready to be surprised by the enthralling insights he shared. If you don’t know much about the VDMA network “Power-to-X for Applications”, this is your intro! Now, let’s find out how the network supports the mechanical and plant engineering industry in meeting today’s and tomorrow’s challenges when it comes to power-to-X applications.

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