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Refrigeration in Oil & Gas industry - Performance and environmental issues.

Refrigeration in Oil & Gas Industry

Requirements are not very high in the regular refrigeration market, which includes supermarkets and industrial applications. But things are different in the Petrochemical as well as Oil & Gas Industry. As an expert for industrial valves, I often notice that the demand for high-quality valves has increased significantly in these industries. But what is the reason? Let`s find it out!

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Customer-Centricity and Marketing Management.

Marketing Management & Customer Centricity

Unlike in the past, where the product and brand are at the centre of the company, Rethinking Marketing [1] is all about customer-centricity. It explains why the right culture, incentives and customer-centric strategy must be created and driven from the top to be successfully implemented.

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DBB system in instrument piping – a cost effective safety solution (BA Series).

DBB system in instrument piping – a cost effective safety solution

I remember very well when we started the development of our Double Block & Bleed Valve Series. We called it “VariAS-Blocks”. Production started 20 years ago, and we have made many improvements since there.

We based the design on the standard SHELL MESC SPE 77/165 (which the MESC SPE 77/170 superseded) and EEMUA 182.

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3 signs your company is not customer-centric.

3 signs your company is not customer-centric

“Customer is king!” This age-old business mantra underlines the importance of the customer in every business. What I believe the truth is, most entrepreneurs understand the importance of the customer and talk about providing quality customer experience, yet a significant number of companies are still a long way off ensuring their business functions like a well-oiled customer-centric machine.

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Why do material traceability and type 3.2 certification matter?

Why do material traceability and type 3.2 certification matter?

Today, manufacturing has become global. Imagine a salesman in Europe or America. He supplies his product for a project in the Middle East, coming from their factory in India, which sources its raw material from China or other parts of the world. It has support and customer service from Southeast Asia. This scenario is common in companies with operations across the globe.

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Emergency aid for leaking valves due to Binzagr cooperation.

Emergency aid for leaking valves and manifolds

Severe problems can arise if industrial valves are defective in chemical plants or in oil or gas applications – possibly with leaks. The broken industrial valves must be replaced as soon as possible. Without long delivery times.

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