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What it actually means to be customer centric.

What it actually means to be customer-centric

Working as a CSO, one could think that of course, you must be customer-centric… But I noticed that some of my peers don’t really understand what customer centricity actually means, they are still too much “product” focused. So, what does customer-centricity mean? Does defining it even matter? It definitely does!

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Work-life balance: Professional success without burnout.

Work-life balance: Professional success without burnout

Work and personal life – it’s not easy to keep both in balance. A work-life balance has become increasingly important in professional life. This issue is taken very seriously at AS-Schneider. We want to offer our employees genuine added value in this area.

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Challenge of Design Verification Test (DVT/TAT).

Challenge of Design Verification Test (DVT/TAT)

In my professional career I have found that in practice there is often misinterpretation in understanding Design Verification Test (DVT). DVT is formerly known as TAT (Type Acceptance Test) – a Shell Specification (MESC SPE 77/300A).

In the industry, there are many different manufacturers offering valves meeting Shell requirements. Users should also find out if these valves also meet the full Shell MESC SPE 77/300A Specification. This misinterpretation made me write this post.

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Cryogenic valves - LNG application.

Cryogenic valves for LNG application – Part 2

In our second part of the cryogenic valve series I would like to responsive on questions like “What are the challenges of using cryogenic?”, “Selecting a valve for cryogenic service.”, “How can engineers ensure tightness of cryogenic valves?” and “What should engineers pay attention to during assembly of cryogenic valves?”.

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Cryogenic valves - LNG application.

Cryogenic valves for LNG application – Part 1

One of our customers needed a primary isolation valve for a pressure measurement on a container ship. The ship uses natural gas power. The valve had to meet the Fire Safe API requirements. It also had to pass a cryogenic test with liquid nitrogen (-196 ° C). The container ship rides under the American flag. Thus, an independent examiner had to administer the test. This examiner came from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and the US Coast Guard.

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All about Close Coupled Flush Rings.

All about Close Coupled Flush Ring

The chemical industry uses flush rings for diaphragm seals. These rings prevent clogging of the instrument connection. The technician mounts the ring between the process flange and the diaphragm seal. It has flushing ports and membranes. The flushing ports allow users to wash out particles from in front of the membrane. It also has a pressure chamber, which users can vent, drain, or fill with cleaning liquid. The user can then flush the chamber.

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