10 must-check factors before specifying sealing material for valves

Title image for 10 must-check factors before specifying sealing material for valves.

As a plant planner, you don’t want to go down in history as the person who bought and installed leaky valves in what was supposed to be a breakthrough project. You want to be remembered as the pro who got the resistant valves that ease the plant operators’ lives and lift operational confidence.

On paper, the seals seem like a small detail to care about. In reality, they can make the difference between an efficient plant and one that suffers from frequent downtime due to persistent leakage.

Learn now, what sealing material features should you check out before buying your next valve!

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New chemical plant complies with the stricter TA-Luft amendment in the field of valves

Green sustainable icon with chemical plant complies with TA-Luft amendment in the field of valves.

The amended Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA-Luft) regulation came into effect on December 1, 2021. The updated regulation specifies stricter new limits for fugitive emissions from chemical plants. This is a tough challenge for the chemical industry.
In my article, I describe a case study of the challenge engineers faced in selecting compliant valves when building a new chemical plant in Germany.

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TA-Luft amendment – What will change for you as a plant planner and plant operator in the area of valves

Sustainable icon with chemical plant complies with TA-Luft amendment.

The Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control or TA-Luft governing Germany’s industrial plants were recently updated. The goal of the TA-Luft is to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

In this article I will give you an overview of the TA-Luft amendment and explain the specificities and requirements applicable to industrial valves. Furthermore, I analyze the changes to the old TA-Luft to identify challenges and solutions.

Plant operators and plant planners can’t miss out on this info to run compliant facilities. 

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Impact of the revision of the TA-Luft on the valve industry

Man is testing a valve according to revised TA-Luft emission standard.

The revised TA-Luft Emission Standard will refer to ISO 15848-1 to protect the general public and the neighborhood. And to prevent harmful effects on the environment caused by air pollution. All that in order to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole.

In my blog post, I would like to explain what impact this change will have on the valve industry.

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